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Home Specialties Orthodontics


Young girl with glasses on smiling with bracesEach child is an individual and as such, their teeth do not always follow a traditional path or timeline to either fall out or erupt. In spite of being healthy and exhibiting good oral hygiene, teeth can have a mind of their own. Thankfully, there is a protocol and a treatment regimen that focuses on the proper jaw motion and correct bite of the patient. When teeth are out of alignment it causes wear in both the teeth and jawbone. It will wear out the joint if patients have an improper bite.

Whether your child has reported having pain or discomfort or has problems with opening and closing their mouth, they might be in need of an orthodontic evaluation. We are always available to perform the assessment needed at Columbia Implant Center.

Available Treatments

Certainly, the main focus of orthodontics is to alleviate problems with both the teeth and alignment as well as the correct jaw motion. However, in many cases, the treatments prescribed actually have impacted other areas. In some cases when the jaw or teeth are out of alignment it hinders the proper movement of the tongue which can greatly impact speech. When the teeth are in the proper position, they do not rub against the tongue and restrict its movement thus allowing the patient to enunciate correctly. One other benefit is when teeth are smooth and symmetrical there is less for bacteria and food to cling to which greatly diminishes the chances for tooth decay.

While most people would consider orthodontic treatments cosmetic, they are more than just that. They make improvements to teeth, without question; however, when the patient's oral hygiene and oral cavity health improve so does their overall medical health.

The Causes

While it is true orthodontic issues are typically inherited, there are a number of them that are simply behavioral. The behavioral ones typically worsen over time as do their symptoms. While most people can name a few behaviors which can impact tooth alignment and jaw function, there are quite a few they might not consider. These behaviors can start when patients are very young like with thumb sucking. Others are attributed over time like poor oral hygiene which leads to periodontal disease. Poor nutrition can lead to a host of problems too. Abnormal swallowing and mouth breathing are both behaviors that can lead to orthodontic problems.

Appropriate Age for Orthodontics

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, the recommended age children should first have an evaluation done is seven years old. This allows an early glimpse of how their teeth will progress through their teens and into adulthood. By getting this evaluation done early enough, the treatment plan can incorporate the eruption of their wisdom teeth and head off any issues which may be just starting to take root.

It is important for parents to not wait until their child's adult teeth erupt because it can further complicate necessary procedures which might need to be performed to correct the issues existing in their oral cavity. Please contact us at Columbia Implant Center to find out more. You can also reach us by phone at (860) 743-1898.

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Columbia Implant Center - Dr. Abbas Mohammadi, 483 Middle Turnpike W Suite 309-1, Manchester, CT 06040 / (860) 743-1898 / / 9/6/2024 / Key Phrases: dental implants Manchester CT /